So why not? why not have this crazy summer fling (that will end before summer begins) with a boy you've just met, whose last name you don't know, who whispers to you in French in the middle of the night and rests his lips on you in the morning, his fingers lazily snaked between yours. Why not do it while it's fun (until it's not fun anymore), while you're young and pretty and inexperienced and smart and foolish and have never been in love so you don't have any idea what you're missing out on. (if you're missing out on anything at all.)
it's the closest imitation you're going to get; it's the california roll, the chinatown handbag, the drag queen of L-O-V-E. it's fake, but it's practice. And why not? while your heart is still strong and solid, while your defenses are brand new and only slightly weathered and you can still take a hit without falling too far from or close to the ground. This is the time to give your body what it wants, to see what it can take without asking your heart for any resources. let your heart rest. let it throb for yourself and not for someone else.
this is just practice, remember? and it will only last for as long as you want it. until your body is tired of his or your head is tired of not thinking straight or your heart just can't stand the quiet any longer. until late at night, just before dawn, just after making fake love, just before falling asleep, tangled up in eachother's arms, as the last words are slipping out of your lips, something about it feels real.