....that means, "i forgot"i cant tell you how much it means to me to see you in my inbox, whether its for a little update on your lives or an amercan flag (zaszlo amerikai).on friday after school some villagers took me to a tiny village called bazakerretye, about half an hour away from bocfolde. its basically a sleep away camp for people who just wanna kick it in the woods. we went straight to the swimming pools (there are 4 of them, all different sizes and temperatures and colors, strangely enough). there were about 2ö people there, all different ages from 7 (the cutest fucking kid with a husky little voice, marcéllo) to 47 (my buddy iréne, who doesnt speak english but weve had the most hilarious conversations). at first, everyone was afraid of this american girl who looks like a gypsy, so for the first night i just danced with them and taught them some indian folk dancing too. by day two, however, EVERYONE wanted to try to speak english with me, which was really sweet. we spent hours in the pool having conversations...very slow conversations, haha...its funny, you have to talk to these totally competent, fine people like theyre dumbasses. that night, after hanging out with the teens in the pool, who were so sweet, the children took over. while the older dancers practiced, the kids and i sat by the campfire and they tried to talk to me. it was the sweetest, funniest thing, to see this kids try to communicate. some of them acted out everything, others drew pictures, one talked to me as if i was deaf...all in hungarian. we took pictures together and ate candy. i can still hear them calling out, foRAM, foRAMMMM! it makes my heart smile. i also chopped wood with this 16 yr old who is too hot for his own good. hes one of kristoff (my host bro)s friends. they both dont speak any english but we managed to hang out despite all their teenage angst. i cracked a little bit of their brooding shell. i had such a good time with them. then i got picked up from the camp and was taken to a picnic that was going on in the village field. it was a sort of senior citizen gathering, and i was only supposed to stay for 10 minutes. well, that turned into 4 hours... so. much. wine. i got wasted with old people. everyone was singing and laughing together. the old men sang to me and the old women showed me pictures of their grandsons... it felt like india. it was hilarious.the rest of the night feels like a dream... scarcely remember the ride home. somehow i managed to shower, AND write a few sentences in my journal, which i think is pretty impressive. i credit you ladies for excellent drunk training. today im going to relax at home, i think. spend more time with my fam, maybe watch some hungarian movies. its weird, i hardly hear my own voice these days, the one im used to, at least. im either talking slowly or loudly or in broken english in order to be understood. i am learning that when you are forced to choose your words carefully, you say only what you mean. thats pretty fucking cool. but when i get back to the states, i cannot WAIT to use as many big, compound, complicated, unpronouncable english words as possible. this weekend i am going to slovenia for two nights with the other volunteers... im so excited, especially seeing that about 2 months ago, i didnt know such a place existed. things like that remind me why im doing this.
i love you.
Best Homemade Teething Biscuit Recipe
6 years ago
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