Thursday, October 29, 2009
a good sell
i'm a sucker for the creative, interesting, sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking ads that make an impression. it's really an artform-- whether youre selling a brand, a product, a message, or all three, you only get 30 seconds to make it stick. and with all that bad-vertisement that somehow makes it onto our tubes, when it's done well, it stands out. Enter HTC.
the right look, message, music, everything. saw it for the first time earlier today and for some reason, it's in my head. hopefully, in about a minute, it'll be in yours...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
what do you wish would happen by the end of the day?
Where do you wish you could wake up tomorrow?
It's a simple question and the answers can lead us anywhere. So go ahead, ask yourself."
Monday, October 12, 2009
Uptown 6 - 9 AM- Unbearable Lightness of Being - m4w (Midtown East)
Date: 2009-10-09, 12:41PM EDT
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I saw you on the L train platform... - m4w
Date: 2009-10-09, 1:37AM EDT
It was Thursday night. We were both waiting for the 8th ave bound L. You were reading a book. I had just come down the stairs when I stopped to wait for the train and then there you were.
You were wearing a pink v-neck sweater, white collared button up shirt underneath, gray/beige skirt, and knee high boots. You were listening to your ipod. You have shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes and easily the prettiest face I've seen on a subway platform.
There was some band in the background playing on the drums but I wasn't really listening to them because I was mostly looking at you.
I hope somehow you see this.
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Fuerza Bruta Sept 30 - m4w
Date: 2009-10-08, 3:32PM EDT
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Friday, October 09, 2009
killing time like its my job
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Argg where's me paperback?

This article got me thinking...
though it's still not quite a part of the mainstream, the ebook threatens to flip the business model for book publishing on its head. the internet has made it even more complicated, and has brought up the question that the journalism industry, torn between online and paper versions, with has been riddled with for years now: how to monetize?
Monday, October 05, 2009
an evanescent, velvety, vital, visceral vesper
At sunset I sit on my fire escape, reading and drinking a glass of wine. I love to sit here and look up and down the street. To my right, I can see pretty far past Little Italy into Chinatown. Left, I can almost see the Chrysler building, if I lean over a little bit. The scent of pizza wafts up, four stories high, to where I’m sitting. The smell is a familiar tease now; I’m as accustomed to it as I am to the smell of dog piss (though one is no doubt more appealing than the other). People pass under me in small groups, an occasional singing bicyclist zips past, but it’s quiet, mostly. Fall isn’t here yet, no. The trees are just barely tipped yellow; the breeze is only mild. I still see flip-flopped pedestrians walking their dogs. Kids still run around in the park without their coats. And—perhaps my most compelling piece of evidence—there aren’t any couples out. I watch the sun fall over trees and behind me. It feels like a dream. It was, once.
Today, my yoga instructor put us into Tree Pose (I guess she was feeling ambitious). As we struggled to get onto one foot and raise our hands over our heads, she said, “Feel for soft ground. You can always find your balance not from strength, but from soft ground.” Easier said than done, I thought. What the hell is “soft ground,” anyway? All I know in this town is hard: how to walk hard, work hard, be hard. I love that about this place. And that, I guess, was her point. In this Manhattan bubble, where we’re on go until our heads hit the pillow (note: I started to sleep so much better when I moved here), it’s easy to stay stimulated, occupied, elastic, stretching and stretching. Being as excitable and impatient as I am, the energy is intoxicating.
As it gets darker, the bars start to light up. Laughter gets louder from the dives across the street. The sound of after-work drinkers, pre-dinner cocktailers, or extra-early nightcappers—who will no doubt wake me hours from now—mixes with sirens. But for now, they’re just part of the hum of this city, tuning.
These evenings on my fire escape make up my foundation. This is where I find balance and peace above the horns and cries and calls of the city. This is why I love this place: I’m four stories up, and I’m on soft ground.