This article got me thinking...
Book Piracy?
though it's still not quite a part of the mainstream, the ebook threatens to flip the business model for book publishing on its head. the internet has made it even more complicated, and has brought up the question that the journalism industry, torn between online and paper versions, with has been riddled with for years now: how to monetize?
i feel like the fact that these are books should be enough to keep us in line. this isn't that subtitled Bollywood movie you're mom has been dying for you to see, or the version of "Always Be My Baby" from Mariah's Daydream tour. These are books. doesn't everyone get emotional about them? i can't even imagine downloading a book illegally-- i feel guilty enough borrowing from the library sometimes. and to be honest, i feel like the readers who are actually into reading for pleasure aren't really going to go for this. i think they're part of the sentimental bunch who have a soft spot for full bookshelves.
i think pirated books mostly threaten the textbook industry. think about it: as students, the bane of our existence (or at least top 5, under being sexiled) is buying textbooks. if you buy them at the bookstore, you will no doubt pay through the ass for a book you'll most likely crack open MAYBE twice in the year (hello, The Economics of Labor Markets). if you buy online, you have to worry about when, from where, and in what condition your book will get to you. nothing sounds more appetizing than a quick, easy, free way to get our reading done. afterall, we're more likely to rationalize our unethical actions by our economic situations: 1. we're paying tuition, after all, so it's not like this is free-free... the transaction is just a little less direct; and 2. we're students! we're poor! we'll buy books when we can afford them, and when we want them.
i'm not supporting it, but i can't say i wouldn't be tempted. and hey, maybe publishers could work something out with file sharing systems to better monitor and somehow monetize the situation. this might be difficult, but it's not impossible. we managed to create the beast that is the internet, and instead of taming it, maybe we should be frolicking through the fields with it. after all, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
(image from Heads of State, New York Times)
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