Tuesday, November 08, 2011
I'll be your fin
Smoked Salmon, as we all know, has a fungus problem. Lately, it's gotten pretty bad and he has lost his fin. It's very sad to see. Yesterday I was in my room and I went to check up on Rebel and Salmon and noticed Salmon floating on his side. I panicked, but realized that he was still alive. Because he's lost his fin, he can't swim like normal, he can only swim up and down. He floats on his side and then swims to the bottom of the bowl and floats back up. I didn't know what to do for him, so I wrote him a poem. It's called I'll Be Your Fin:
I'll be your fin when you're on your side,
When it feels like the world only goes left to right.
When your fishbowl is fuzzy and things are unclear,
I'll be the net that clears away your fear.
I'll swim and swim when you need me
I'll swim and swim when you need me.
You go deeper and deeper hoping things will change,
Hoping the water will rise and you can go back the way you came.
But I watch from a distance, the things you do
And wish, more than anything, that I could help you the way you need me to.
I wish I could help you the way you need me to.
Hold on the way you do, the only way you can.
Let the water pass through your gills and fill you with oxygen.
I'll swim and swim when you need me
I'll be your fin when you need me.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Thursday, June 09, 2011
dry, warm, under my fingers and against my arms.
The way it moves when I move,
The way it wrinkles, pressed tight,
The way it is when things are quiet.
Will you let it seep out from your pores,
let it dampen your clothes and palms
and run down your forehead, leaving a trail that I can follow?
Let this be what moves me, what deserves me, what shakes and shifts me,
Let this be what makes me forget that I am a proud girl who wants for nothing.
Let this be what make me just foolish enough,
Just foolish enough to be brave,
Because I want to be brave forever.
Let this be what makes me patient,
Let this be makes me forgive.
Will you let me learn it? The way it chirrs like crickets, keeping me awake,
melting into my ears, echoing in the space around me,
singing out of these walls.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
I know what that's like
-from the Yaghan language of Tierra del Fuego,
considered the world's most succinct word and
considered one of the most difficult words to translate
Friday, May 13, 2011
A Salsa Story
Anyways, last night was the first taco night in a while, and we were excited. I picked up Shadow from work and on our way home we stopped by the grocery store to pick up some necessities: taco seasoning, sour cream, salsa, and mini tortillas (for the soft taco option). We walked into the store expecting to grab and go-- you know, a quick, casual trip so that we could get to assembling tacos as soon as possible. We had no idea what we were in for.
Sour cream was no problem-- we saw it and threw it in our cart right away. Same with the tortillas. But we soon became painfully aware that this would be no quick stop at the grocery store.
Our first hunt: taco seasoning. It was no where to be found! No where! Next to the beans? No. Next to the HARD SHELL TACOS? Nope. PERHAPS IN THE SEASONING AISLE? No cigar. Shadow and I began to panic, thinking, Oh god, there can be no tacos without taco seasoning, and there can be no taco night without tacos! And just as we began to hyperventilate in unison (as shadows do), I grabbed her by the shoulders and said, SHADOW, LOOK WITH YOUR HEART. LOOK WITH YOUR HEART FOR THE TACO SEASONING.
She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and started walking. She paced down an aisle we'd passed moment before, this way and that, and then, in a moment of clarity, looked up, up, above the ground meats and sausages, into a small, dark cubby above the refrigerated section, and ever-so-coolly plucked a packet of taco seasoning from the cubby.
I squealed. She looked with her heart, and she found the taco seasoning! She made it look so easy.
Now it was my turn. I was tasked with finding the salsa by looking with my heart. Simple enough: salsa, in my opinion, is probably one of the most commonly bought items at the grocery store, next to milk and bananas. Late night slumber party runs to the market always result in chips and dip, usually opened up on the car ride home. Supermarket Sweep contestants always threw salsa into their carts.
So, my job was easy: open my heart and find the salsa. While Shadow scanned the aisles for anything we had missed, looking with my heart, I started searching. And searching....and searching.
Words cannot express my dismay.
Here I was, trying to take my own advice, trying to look with my heart for the last ingredient to our perfect taco night, and I just couldn't. Couldn't find it. Totally lost. It had been so easy for Shadow. So clear. But my heart vision clearly needed to be checked. I panicked. Was there something wrong with me? Was I just an idiot? Was I unlucky? Was I walking past it over and over, staring right at it, missing it? Shadow could see that I was swimming in the possibilities, so she decided to ask the store manager where they keep the salsa.
Shadow came back with the news: THEY DON'T CARRY SALSA. It wasn't my heart's farsightedness, afterall. I was just LOOKING FOR SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T EXIST. I felt even worse than before. Horrified and heavy-hearted, I slumped out of the store, with Shadow at my side trying her best to console me, begging me to not take this as an extended metaphor.
But how could I not? It was all so clear to me! I've been looking for Salsa my whole young adult life, and have been pacing up and down life's proverbial aisles, watching as all my friends open their hearts and find their taco seasonings. Here I am, worried about my heart's hazy vision, thinking I'm just passing it by, and even though what I'm looking for seems simple enough, maybe I'm just looking for something that The Grocery Store just doesn't carry.
I was still distressed when we got back to Shadow's place. Ryan greeted us as soon as we walked in, with fresh beers from the nearby store already in hand. As soon as I set my things down, I took one from him-- my only remedy. As soon as I did, he said, Oh, Foram! I have something for you.
He reached into his backpack and pulled out a jar of curry-style salsa that he just happened to pick up from the store along with the beers. He had seen it while checking out and thought of me (as an important little Indian in his life). I was elated. He had no idea why.
I thanked him profusely, for bringing me my salsa, and for teaching me a lesson almost instantly. Maybe the whole point is that looking for my Salsa-- with my eyes or my heart-- will not do me any good if my Salsa just isn't around yet. I might be in the wrong place, or maybe it's just the wrong time, but when it comes down to it, with my nearsighted eyes and my farsighted heart wide open, my Salsa will find me.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
she maps everything...

Or the journey of a person...
-Redstone Studios
Monday, April 04, 2011
portrait of grief
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Why he writes
I just loved her.
...Even then, at nine years old, I wanted to live inside her body. I wanted to melt into her bones--that kind of love.
Neither of us, I suppose, would've thought to use that word, love, but by the fact of not looking at each other, and not talking, we understood with a clarity beyond language that we were sharing something huge and permanent.
...And as a writer now, I want to save Linda's life. Not her body--her life."
-- Tim O'Brien, The Things They Carried
Thursday, February 17, 2011
A love story
She was in her twenties, he in his forties. She was unwed, the eldest of 10. He was the father of two sons and a sickly wife. They lived across the hall from one another in a small apartment complex, and, sometimes, they would stand in their doorways and glance (shy).
Soon, his wife passed away, and a love affair began. Her brothers and sisters would hear her sneak out in the middle of the night and return with a fruit-- a pear, a mango (a token of his affection). She would eat it, quietly, in the dark. Her parents disapproved, and when her mother passed away, her father guarded the front door of their apartment like a watchman. For five years, he wouldn't step foot outside, for fear that his daughter, Ramila, might meet with her love, Shankarlal. So they waited...
Then. On a trip to visit her uncle in a nearby town, Ramila, pushing 30, explained why she refused to marry: "If I ever wed," she said, "it will be to Shankarlal."
"Ok," her uncle said,"I give you my blessing."
Just like that: with her uncle's approval, and without telling her father, Ramila married Shankarlal.
For years, her father was outraged. But over time, he grew to know and love Shankarlal, and near the end of his life, if Shankarlal was ever late or absent from the breakfast table in the morning, her father would ask, "Where is he?"
One day, Ramila and Shankarlal had a baby girl. They named her, my mother, Zankhana, meaning deepest wish, truest hope, because she was the product of what they had wished and waited for: each other.
Monday, February 07, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
watching you go
because that’s what her mother told her to do.
There is something so essential about this way to die. It’s the essence of what a life is, maybe. Or what death ought to be. Because if you must die—and we all must—shouldn’t it be this way? Surrounded by the people you spent your life with, your memories with. This is your enormous family all thinking of you as a child, as a man, as a husband, as a brother. All thinking of you at your alivest.
And there is nothing we can do. So
we will sit and we will wait and we will fill our hearts
with so much love that we can only feel grief while we watch your soul slip out of your body. There is nothing we can do but love you,
so we will watch you die.
We will breathe shallow breaths, saving some for you. We watch you go.
With every labored breath, every yellow touch, every slow, slow movement, we watch you go.
We all knew this would happen.
You are not ready. We are not ready.
In one moment, there will be all of us, breathing in and out,
and in the next there will be one less.
These people you leave behind, these pieces—your porch, your garden, your children, your shirts and pants and cologne and shampoo—will be your calling card, your existence, long after you have left.
And when the rest of our lives happen, we will watch for you.
This little girl, she will probably remember you the least. She will remember this day as the one where everyone cried while she begged them to play make believe.
enough now
stopped feeling your hand on my shoulder,
when I stopped feeling your kiss on my back,
I stopped missing you.
How could I miss you?
You came, and you stayed
in my breath and voice and thoughts
until you left.
And now you are finally,
finally gone,
and I can taste air that doesn’t belong to you
and oh, it’s never tasted better.
You came to me as soon as I let go
the first time
but this time I’m letting go of you.
So take back the space you gave to me
because I don’t need it,
I have enough now.
But I’ll keep some things.
I’ll keep the music the tent the dances the blinks.
I’ll keep the day you sipped my beer
I’ll keep the flower you put in my pocket
I’ll keep the pieces of the shell you cracked
I’ll keep the electricity
I’ll keep the motions the words the firsts
I’ll keep what was mine, always mine,
and maybe I’ll keep some of yours.
But the rest, I don’t need it, I don’t want it
Those things will belong to you
Oh, this way is better.
You take the sandwich dates the empty signs the last chances.
You take the name that won’t leave me
You take what kept me awake
You take the part of me that wanted you.
I’ve had enough now.
Take back the space you saved for me
Because I won’t take it.
I have enough now
And oh, I’m feeling better.
“When I put my hands on your body on your flesh I feel the history of that body. Not just the beginning of its forming in that distant lake but all the way beyond its ending. I feel the warmth and texture and simultaneously I see the flesh unwrap from the layers of fat and disappear. I see the fat disappear from the muscle. I see the muscle disappearing from around the organs and detaching iself from the bones. I see the organs gradually fade into transparency leaving a gleaming skeleton gleaming like ivory that slowly resolves until it becomes dust. I am consumed in the sense of your weight the way your flesh occupies momentary space the fullness of it beneath my palms. I am amazed at how perfectly your body fits to the curves of my hands. If I could attach our blood vessels so we could become each other I would. If I could attach our blood vessels in order to anchor you to the earth to this present time I would. If I could open up your body and slip inside your skin and look out your eyes and forever have my lips fused with yours I would. It makes me weep to feel the history of your flesh beneath my hands in a time of so much loss. It makes me weep to feel the movement of your flesh beneath my palms as you twist and turn over to one side to create a series of gestures to reach up around my neck to draw me nearer. All these memories will be lost in time like tears in the rain.”
-David Wojnarowicz