Saturday, April 25, 2009

family portraits

Today, the enormously talented and terrifically kind Nicole Tung came over to take some pictures of me and my core (Read: Kaysi, Michalea, Nami, Ari). I sit next to her in class and throughout the semester noticed that she always had some kind of artsy photograph up on her computer screen. When I heard that she had won a national award for her work photographing Albanian refugees in Kosovo, I knew I had to look into her work. One day in class, I asked to see some of her pictures; I was so moved. At the same time, I had been toying with the idea of having some professional shots taken of me and the girls-- my family here in the city-- before  graduating. 
I thought for sure that Nicole would turn me down... I mean, why would a serious young photojournalist agree to take pictures of me and my friends just hanging out together? I was so wrong-- she was so gracious and enthusiastic about the project that she cleared her Saturday afternoon to come over and bake with us (and take pictures, of course). 3 hours and 500 shots later, we've got some pretty quality family portraits, I think. The first bright, warm day of Spring, the smell of cookies perfuming the air, the sounds of horns and air conditioning and Chi Lites mixing in the background...these are the things I want to remember forever.
I can't wait to see how they turn out. I'll post them as soon as I can!

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