Last night, I went on a date with the gorgeous Kaysi Franceus. Yes, folks, that's her on the right. And yea, she's single (please stop drooling, you're getting the keyboard wet).
As two single girls are inclined to do on a friday night, we decided to go see a chick flick. We had been planning on seeing He's Just Not That Into You for months, so we figured since we finally had a date night set, we should check it out.
Armed with Red Vines, Junior Mints, M&Ms, Diet Coke, and popcorn, we took our seats, expecting to be entertained. And we were, for the most part.
But as we left the theatre, a strange, overwhelming panic set over us. So much so that we decided (seeing it was a beautiful night) to walk it off.
25 blocks later, we were more confused about men than ever before (which is saying A LOT).
Were we in denial? Did we make excuses for boys? Did they really just not care? Were we feeling sparks when there were none (or no such thing)? Were we supposed to let boys decide if the relationship was going anywhere?
The problem with the movie is that it portrayed women as desperate and men as oblivious, which is only half true (men, oblivious, yes). These were all beautiful, smart, kind women who were screwing with their own image and self esteem to lure a man. What the hell kind of woman is that? Yes, we are beautiful, smart and kind (at least the ladies i know). But no, we are not desperate; we just give a guy we like a lot of chances, maybe too many. It's in our nature. Women will more often than not give a guy the benefit of the doubt, and more often than not a guy will take that for granted...he'll take that for granted as much as he can, or, if he's worth keeping, he'll take it for granted until he realizes he's taking it for granted.
one of the biggest points of the movie is, i think, the realization that despite the fact that everyone is trying to figure out what the rules of the game are, we're all out of luck because there are no rules. Everyone is an exception, in a different way. No relationship is the same. No boy and no girl is the same.
so. i'm back where i started...I still don't know what to expect, i still don't know what's expected of me; i still don't know what is caring too much or not caring enough; i still believe honesty and transparency are the only way to stay sane; i still believe that's impossible between boys and girls; i still think boys are too much for me, they require too much mental and emotional energy. and i still would rather spend my friday nights watching movies, eating junk food and going for long, romantic after-the-rain night walks with pretty girls than by my phone hoping for a call.
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