Saturday, April 11, 2009

Today I was out with my cousin Shikha, who's visiting from Texas, where, from what i hear, everything is bigger. we were having drinks this afternoon (it's 5 o'clock somewhere!) with her best friend, Jas. Over beers, Jas told me about his weekly date night with his friend, Amit...they are two single, heterosexual men who spend every Friday night treating themselves to exciting new cuisine in new york city. they call it Friday Funday. cute, huh?
it gets better.
Their circle of friends started to pick up on this weekly outing, and wanted in. Soon, they were getting phone calls: Sarah, Avni, David, Josh...they all wanted to join. But this was a special night for Amit and Jas; they worked hard all week, and this time was special, no, sacred. They could talk about life, politics, books, women-- candidly and openly, in true bromance fashion.
But now their night was being encroached upon by their bevy of friends. What were they to do?
The answer was simple: they made their friends apply. The two wrote up a 25-question, true-or-false and short-answer application that took 10 to 15 minutes to finish and submit. 
Now, before you write Jas and Amit off as self-important assholes, let me vouch for them. These are good guys--i mean, highly decent, surprisingly non "guy" guys, at least upon my first impression. The application started off as more of a joke than anything else, but their friends actually loved it, and their competitive natures started to shine...after all, acceptance meant an open invitation to almost every Friday Funday.
so far, 10 or 11 have applied; 6 have been admitted...a 54% acceptance rate. that's on par with Providence College, in Rhode Island, the University of Pittsburgh, and UC Santa Barbara.
part of me wants to apply just to see if i'd get in...

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