Sunday, April 19, 2009

note to self

Inspired by one of my heros, Brian Andreas (StoryPeople, ZenBandit), who posted an art piece titled, "Permanent to-do list" I thought it might be interesting to make my own...i wonder why i haven't made one already. I got to thinking, my permanent to-do list would have to be comprised of things i want to do, things i can't help but do, and things i want to keep doing. So, after a few days, I've come up with these, in no particular order:

1. stop: for flowers, for friends, for musicians in the park, for tourists who need directions
2. learn to love your calves
3. stop thinking yourself out of decisions, unless those decisions involve holes or homework or blind dates
4. be okay with wet feet
5. take vitamins 
6. don't buy things you don't need; even though it feels like you're getting free cash when you make a successful return, don't forget how shitty it is to get stuck with store credit.
7. dance
8. forgive, even for little things.
9. remember, especially little things.
10. write honestly, recklessly, lovingly
11. don't be afraid to uproot yourself
12. just keep trusting

The list will grow, over time, i'm sure. but i think this is a good start. It's weird, though...does a Permanent to-do list mean it's a daily permanent to-do list? i mean, do i have to be okay with wet feet, even if it's not raining? i guess there are is my to-do list, after all. But i guess a to-do list is more about making sure that there are some things you don't forget. What do you want to remember?

1 comment:

Brian said...

Oh, most definitely a permanent to-do list is something I check every day without fail. Which is why I have only one thing on it (though some days I think of adding chocolate).

The other list is more like Jeopardy questions. You know, like I'll take My Life for $200, Bob. They're questions I ask myself on a more or less regular basis to see if I've forgotten something important lately. My personal Jeopardy questions go something like this: have you walked on the beach? Have you taken care of yourself? Have you slept well & deeply? Have you listened to your heart?

Good things to know... :-)

with love, Brian